It's 3 days since my recovery was deemed "all star". Well, that didn't
last long.
Today (after a great dinner Thursday night with S) I woke up feeling
pretty crappy: tired, weight lost, headache, wheezing, tight chest,
shaky. My bronchoscopy was sheduled for noon, so I figured I'd just
report the symptoms when I saw Dr H for the bronch. Some of it, no
doubt, could be attributed to fasting for the bronch.
Well the bronch didn't exactly go swimmingly. Much of it was clear,
but Dr H found a medial partial dehisence (a small pit without a true
hole and partial suture breakdown) in the left anastomosis. (you're
gonna have to look those up yourself. No links today.) Also confirmed
the pneumonia that came up on the CT scan. So I spent most of today
waiting in the outpatient bronch lab to be transferred to inpatient.
I'm here in my hospital room now, fresh from a convo with my three-
weeks-experience resident (oh the joys of the hospital in July)
waiting for a tray of cold hospital food.
The plan is to pump me full of some iv antibiotics and an profilactic
antifungal and hopefully send me home Tuesday.
We shall see.
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It's the damn runnning shoes! This is just a small side'll be back annoying people in no time.