Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 7 pm

Chris is doing incredibly better.  He seems to be tolerating foodif you can call beef broth (which Chris describes as brown water), jello, raspberry flavored ice, cranberry juice, ginger ale, and tea food.  His assisted walking is brisker paced and a longer distance (the full length of the hallway). He is more conversive and his sense of humor comes to the surface every once in a while.  He still has some back pain, but it appears to be more localized rather than diffuse.  The pulmonologist showed us the before and after x-rays of his lungs which was incredibleno more junky lungs.  Awesome!  Thank you to the donor for taking such good care of his/her lungs.

It is the end of day 7, and it was a good day.


Dana O. Doheny, MS, CGC

Genetic Counselor, Research Coordinator

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Department of Genetics & Genomic Sciences

1425 Madison Avenue, 14-75A

New York, NY 10029

212-659-6779 (O)

212-659-6780 (F)

866-322-7968 (toll-free)

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